Is the confrontation of civilizations a modern trend, or the eternal struggle for life?

Confronting the contemporary world and the development of civilization  wasn't  the tendency only of ages 19-21, as it seems at first gl...

Confronting the contemporary world and the development of civilization wasn't  the tendency only of ages 19-21, as it seems at first glance.
If we carefully look at the history and literature, to the small part of the remaining knowledge that we have today, we clearly see that in every age there are some very insightful person who mourn the passing of morality, sorry about the loss of values and blame this extreme civilization (whether he can be a man of thought, master of the pen,or a skillful warrior). Undoubtedly the progress made for the artist canvas and a palette of colors, for a warrior gunpowder and more lethal weapons, to the admiral submarines and  huge ships capable of carrying not only a large army, but also the equipment for it. The list can go on and on and, in fact, progress gives new points of support for the community, helping to develop and frequently in the field of medicine - it can be a plus for society. But there is another side of progress, which is in full its guise, we can observe today.
The modern so-called civilization is developing faster than human, and gives its creations to an unprepared society, starting with the use of oil and coal, and ending with social and political initiatives. What we have then ? Absolutely inappropriate use of natural resources,pollution, global warming, globalization, a rejection of the elementary laws of Nature, etc.
As we can see, the line where the development goes on the plus sign to a minus is so thin that most of the dead civilizations have passed it without realizing the threat. More civilization plunges society into a comfort zone, and all at an earlier age it binds man to the achievements of civilization. Which, of course, improves the quality of life, but on the other hand weakens it and puts him in an endless reliance on creature comforts. Varg Vikernes called modern man "domesticated" and it can not agree on this issue. And according to Oswald Spengler, any civilization is moving in a straight line from its dawn to sunset, with imminent death and decay in all spheres of life in the long run. The driving impetus for the development of civilization, accordingly, is there progress itself. It turns out that progress is  the driving force of civilization which  leads to the decline, as paradoxical as it may sound. Particularly by insightful minds of antiquity, of course,this was  understood, and therefore not uncommonly there were attempts to delay progress, both of  individual and collective unconscious (if you turn to the terms of Carl Gustav Jung).
An example of the collective unconscious movement  going back in time can serve as a story of the fall of the Roman Empire. The German people were involved as well to the ruin of the Eternal City, and it is their chief Odoacer who forced to abdicate the last Roman Emperor.
But we want to look at the allies of the Germans in this case , so namely, the Alans. The fact is that in addition to the military achievements and recognition of their involvement invincible army, Roman same generals, the Alans had a tremendous impact on the culture of the Roman Empire, during the constant bloody  raids the Romans were beginning to get involved in the life and culture of the Alans, a paradox, but Rome saw in their ancient, barbaric culture there was something more involved and now Rome faced a wave of "fashion" for all what was Alanian. People left the busy cities and built the house like the house of the Alans, wound up the horses and dogs of the same breeds as those "savages", although for their  appearance and beauty, they weren't famous, but about their endurance and strength there were legends composed attributing them almost mystical abilities. In the end, Rome took over almost all by their own enemies, up to garments, while the Alans eagerly sought the blessings of civilization, and thus the two sides have made exchange of cultures, without mixing them, and how to change it. The Romans saw in the barbarian peoples primordial power, and the desire to meet them and giving up the benefits of civilization, would help them to gain the same effect as for the Alans, like that which they had once themselves. They saw that progress  facilitated their lives but made them weaker, unable to defend themselves without the achievements of civilization. For the Alans, the action of understandable desire of a rapid development, they wanted  to get the cherished blessings of civilization, but were not prepared for it, and finally disappeared from the pages of history. Together with their virginity they lost and lost themselves.
Perhaps it is this step backward, largely unconscious for the whole nation, that helped the Roman people to live longer and reach our days in its modern guise.
As for individual personalities, that include the writers of any age, who in their works, express sadness and longing for bygone times, it shows the decay of society of their contemporaries. It was the same also for philosophers, politicians, public figures. Those whom we can refer to the people who, through their creativity and their actions have resisted the passage of time so were Oswald Spengler, with its main work of life "Decline of the West", Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Rene Guenon, Arthur Schopenhauer, Miguel Serrano, Gabriel D'Annunzio, Julius Evola, Savitri Devi, Richard Wagner, Arthur Rimbaud, Wolfgang Goethe, Mircea Eliade, Yesenin, Alexei Dobrovolsky, and this is only the brightest ones. Social movements of the 20th century, all pursued the aim to return to the traditional mainstream society. Today, the increasingly popular relocation of people from the village, around the world, as well as frequent cases of departure from the civilization of the forest, in the bosom of nature, perhaps are the same kind of the unconscious choice made before of the Romans ...

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