
 Aleksei Aleksandrovich Dobrovolsky, also known as  Dobroslav died in  May 18 /19, 2013, in the village Vesenevo.  He was 74 years old. Perh...

 Aleksei Aleksandrovich Dobrovolsky, also known as Dobroslav died in May 18/19, 2013, in the village Vesenevo.  He was 74 years old.

Perhaps the most famous adherent of Slavic Religion in Russia, he spent many years in prisons and labour camps due to his religious and political views.

Born in the midst of Stalin's domestic terror in 1938, by 1990 he left Moscow with his sons, Rodoslav and Viatich, and settled in an
abandoned village,Vesenevo, in the Shabalinsky region, where he wrote
several books and pamphlets on Slavic Religion, man's connection to nature, and on contemporary political themes.

Four of his books were among the first to be added to the Federal List of Prohibited Literature of the Russian Federation, the mere
possession of which became illegal. For Dobroslav, however, this was nothing new.

His first conviction was in 1958, for distributing anti-communist literature. In 1966 he became a member of the anti-communist organization NTS. In 1967 he was once again arrested. Released in 1969, he moved to Moscow in 1972.

By this time, he had already begun to explore Slavic spirituality and the relationship of man with nature. His writings extolled these virtues, and developed original philosophical and religious concepts based on traditional mythology.

He spoke out against modern neo-pagan idol worship, and urged his followers to seek a deeper spirituality.

He embraced vegeratianism and within Rodnovery emphasized living more in harmony with nature.

Politically, he advocated the overthrow of the Soviet, and later Russian Federation, government.

He was an outspoken critic of the Judeo-Christian tradition, in which he saw the root cause of Russian and Slavic political and spiritual failure, and consequently, was an anti-Semite and anti-Christian.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union he revised his ideas politically and moved left towards socialism.

He advocated for the establishment of a Slavic State and promoted radical version of the ancient Slavic Religion, worshiped nature, and encouraged his followers to lead a lifestyle of healthy living.

His radical views attracted many followers, and he became well known in Russia.

His convictions and the prohibition of his works in post-Soviet Russia only added to his immortal fame.

" Since childhood I felt an ineffable pristine joy from the contact with wildlife. I felt her wherever there are trees, flowers, butterflies ... Just watching the wild animals it was for me the greatest happiness, so  I was irresistibly attracted by forest, by an enthusiastic inspiring awe. Contemplation of  Nature brings man not only admiration but also enlightenment.

About forty years ago, wandering through the forests near Moscow, I came across an half-decayed body of a dog, tied with a chain to a tree. Whether it was the work of evil boys hands, or a sadistic master, I don't know. But the spectacle made a deep impression on me. Perhaps I somehow caught in a supersensible way coming  to me from the other world silent prayers and dying groans of countless tortured animals. It was like a Call of Over, engraved for the rest of my life: I have then sworn to put all my efforts to ensure that this evil could keep going in this world as little as possible".


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