On the dangers of mass tourism

On the dangers of mass tourism Summer is the best time for traveling and hiking. However, not everyone knows that if is not controlled t...

On the dangers of mass tourism

Summer is the best time for traveling and hiking. However, not everyone knows that if is not controlled the mass tourism causes great damage to nature. The point here, of course, is specially in the low level of consciousness and intelligence of people leaving the smelly cities in the bosom of nature. It seems to be the soul and body to reach for purity and beauty, but then to leave behind the purity and beauty of the mind is not enough. But it's not just garbage.
Mass tourism affects the soil. Long-term and frequent hikes provoke landslides and washouts, and removal of soil. Especially this factor is shown on the slopes of hills and mountains with climbs and descents. In the middle zone, where the slopes made of sand and rocky soils are poorly compacted, soil removal from the slopes is from 8 to 32 centimeters per year! Herbal Litter is destroyed and camping parking trampling in the path. This leads to soil erosion. Especially destructive are trips on horseback. People here "killed two birds with one stone" - exploiting and torturing animals and destroying the soil. But, surely they "love of nature" and they think that sitting on a horse, is to spend their holidays in "harmony with the environment." Vehicle wheels lead to soil erosion and compacting of land . Ramming damage plant roots and makes it difficult to access moisture to the roots and then plants die, causing difficulty of access of moisture and air by the microorganisms in the soil. All this breaks the cycle of plant life.
soil eutrophication, ie penetration into the soil of human waste products as household garbage and feces, contributes to no specific area for microorganisms and slows the natural distribution of nutrients in the soil.
In addition, the soil is actively destroyed through indiscriminate "tourism development", when the leadership is trying to attract regional tourists absolutely not caring about the environmental component and build some camp sites, hotels and holiday homes wherever possible and it should instead be impossible.
And all this is complemented ,of course, by the actions of the tourists themselves.
Baikal is strongly suffering . Approximately 1.5 millions tourists come. This not counting the local people that every year are going to look at the "pearl of Siberia". On Olkhon Island there are more than 30 camp sites, and they continue to build new ones.At the same time there isn't an organized garbage disposal on the island and they don't have it in Baikal either. The shores of the sacred lake turned into a dustbin. Runoff hostels poured into the lake without being cleaned. And in the Murmansk region "boaters" are leaving a colossal waste making dirty the shore of Umba River. Cultural and natural complex on the archipelago in the White Sea. The bodies subject to attacks of "spiritual" tourists who are destroying seids and bonfires inside the labyrinth (https://vk.com/wall-43034511_29268). There are many examples.
Another aspect - the tourists, urban residents, has long cut off from any roots (except perhaps Soviet) are rude to the traditions of the peoples on whose lands they come. For example, garbage littered the Sayano-Shushenskaya Reserve in Tuva. Mineral spring Arjaan-Uru is sacred to Tuvan, but for tourists it's just a body of water where you can swim and leave behind a pile of bottles, cigarette butts and feces. In winter, we wrote about the destruction of the dolmens in Adygeya (https://vk.com/wall-43034511_29370). It also happens that the unconscious desire for pagan rituals and the desire to follow a local tradition are also harming nature. Tourists visiting the Altai, Khakassia, Buryatia and other regions, which are characterized by Buddhism and shamanism, love to tie ribbons on the branches of trees, not realizing that they harm the tree. Ribbons have traditionally tie oneself only on certain days of the year during the rites of honoring the spirits.

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