William Pierce's cosmotheism

William Pierce's cosmotheism As the other religions, cosmotheism is based on several truths of Universe's nature and our fa...

  • William Pierce's cosmotheism

    As the other religions, cosmotheism is based on several truths of Universe's nature and our fate. But unlike semite and many other religions, cosmotheism is not connected with " revelation " or sinless, stoic writings, a man should kneel before. Our mind and our common and scientific researches of Universe, that could be not removed from our life, are known as necessary and comprehend- able, and that's because of maximum possible cognition we are able to understand exactly who we are and what's our fate. 
    William Pierce's cosmotheism

    As the other religions, cosmotheism is based on several truths of Universe's nature and our fate. But unlike semite and many other religions, cosmotheism is not connected with " revelation " or sinless, stoic writings, a man should kneel before. Our mind and our common and scientific researches of Universe, that could be not removed from our life, are known as necessary and comprehend- able, and that's because of maximum possible cognition we are able to understand exactly who we are and what's our fate. 

    "Revelation's" religion tells us about some unknown, absolute intelligence , " godlike intelligence " - of the Nature, Universe, and destiny of our being on the Earth. And this sacred knowledge was opened only to chosen, which was to "save" and show the way to everybody, who will accept and follow their writing. This knowledge and the following rules of it are absolute and nobody is able to change it. They are static. Every doctrine, every idea, that are " contra " to the holy revelation, mean evil and should be abandoned. Not only writings of revelation's religions are, but the Universe, that should be explained by this religion's pastors and their people. 

    But the cosmotheism, instead, is the " natural " religion. Cosmotheists do not reject reality. Cosmotheists do not run away from the objective science, because it's postulates are contradictory to some rabbi's or shepherd's holy writing, which were done several centuries ago, do not reject facts, which could reflect on their philosophy. Cosmotheists do not reject obvious things and do not mute the voice of their minds. 

    Cosmotheists know, that the idea of static, unchangeable Universe is some kind of childish illusion. Cosmotheists see, comprehend and accept the fact of our evolution, life's evolution, and the Universe, as whole, because it was so sine the moment of it's ( Universe's ) incarnation, and it would be so, until the final struggle of life agains entropy. Cosmotheists understand, that a human's osmose of himself and the other creatures is not possible without accepting and comprehension of evolution. The past and the future of evolution is being discovered not on the ancient parchments and golden things, but we open it with the power of our intellectual skills and exact logical and empiric researches, which lead us to comprehension of this process. 

    A writer and a scientist, Don Kaiser, demonstrates us a mature, almost cosmotheistic understanding of " ever- evolutioning ", dynamic life, as he describes it in his book " Life is evolution ", he tells us, that the only characteristic, that separates livings form from non- ergonomic mattrer, is a classic darwinistic evolution. Life is just matter, that evolves constantly... Evolution is the only feature, that separates a living matter from dead. Because of every form of life dies, there is something, that helps it to
    preserve the original shape and form, while being affected
    by environment's changing and time impact. Every environ, that serves a home to living creatures, should change, following this creature's needs. So, the evolution is the singular way for living forms to survive for a long time. Despite the discovery of evolution, uncovered the way of every being's is still alive, Charles Darwin also discovered the only feature, makes " living forms alive ". 

    According to Cosmotheism's doctrine, the Nature is God. The ways of God are science, logics, mind and the deepest feeling of race's soul, but not the nonsense of.
    Ancient semite thugs, speculators and swindler ( or the ideas, the have stolen from their closest, more progressive, neighbors ). Mathematics, physics and genetics are the true words of God. Math principals can be embraced from humanity for several time, but unlike the " writings ", this principals can not be faked or maliciously " re- writed ", according to one's political needs and have a strict basics. The same we can say, while talking about 
  • laws of evolution, biology, physics
    and cosmology.  Cosmotheism tells is, that we are the matter and energy, that have become intellectual, and, moreover, we are the Universe, that has become intelligent, the Nature, that has become ability to self - comprehension. Further, cosmotheism tells us, that we have reached a critical state in Universe evolution, state, that is, possibly, as important, as evolutionary metamorphosis of non- organic matter to a living creatures, as the first awakening of the mind itself and as the first, unsure steps of amphibia on the Earth ground. This, new state, that we have achieved, after european man was first to tell the World about evolution's concept and discover principals of genetics and the heredity. This is the state of rational, " comprehended " evolution, that gives every creature a possibility to fasten the process of it's own progress. 

    From the non- thinking matter to. The first sun rays of primitive creatures minds, from the part- intelligence of higher beings and the most primal human to the ever- growing thought of european human, that would discover principals of science, genetics and evolution itself, to the, finally, unbent comprehension, that would become possible for us, as we will follow the rising way of the intelligent evolution - this is the way of cosmotheism and this is the way for Life's power to escape the borders of the poor section of our planet.

    GLF's note : We can not say, that we are followers of darwinistic evolution theory, but in W. Pierce's heathen, cosmotheistic way, this doctrine become a new meaning, which was not known before.

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